Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Street Crossing

Okay, here's the bottom line: I'm really good at crossing the street. I wait until the light is yellow for oncoming traffic and I begin to cross so that by the time I am across I don't get in people's way from the other direction. It's pretty hard to annoy me, but when people brazenly cross the street it gets me heated. Why do people wait for red lights in both directions, step out like 3 feet then stop suddenly and look at the light like, "Oh shit, it's green now?"? This half-hearted cross prompts a wave across by the first driver and screws everything at the light. Another way to get me heated at an intersection is to press the button. The button is only useful in the city where it's constant traffic and people are hauling ass all day long. If you press the button in West Chester it keeps that walking guy up long enough to get the entire Dugger cult through the intersection when you really only need like 3 seconds, or a little longer than a yellow light. The absolute worst street crossing tactic is a combination of the two aforementioned tactics. It is to press the button and then look out and realize no one is deterring you from crossing. This stunt makes all the lights red for what seems like an eternity, but the people doing this don't realize it because they have already crossed and are damn near a full block away, probably doing it again.


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