Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Papa John's Sucks

So Lyle and I have a buy-one-get-one card for Papa John's so we order from there every once in a while. I'm not sure why we continue to do it since there's always an f up in their service and the pizza isn't that great, despite their better ingredients etc. This time I call in and immediately sit on hold for about 10 minutes, 9 of which Lyle was bitching. He starts off by saying that the "retards" that work there probably spit in the food, then changes his mind and says they probably drool in it. When we pull up to pick up the pizza he sighs and quickly complains about now being able to see the idiots responsible for us being on hold earlier. As I wait inside for about 10 minutes before being acknowledged, Lyle calls (from 15 feet away) and wonders if he should turn off the car because he doesn't have much gas, I say no. A few minutes later I walk out with the pizza as Lyle starts the car. We both complain about it the whole way home and probably right up until the point where we start eating. My whole point is why do we even go there? It's like Entourage, you know the acting sucks and the story line is getting weak, but you still arrange your Sunday night around being able to watch it. Just imagine the mess John Schnatter and Marky Mark could create with their powers combined. I'm sure we would all hate/love every minute of it.


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