Lucky for you, since I have finished my finals I have watched way too much Olympic action. One thing I have watched a lot of is curling. Lyle and I agree that if we were given 3 years to "train" for this sport we would make the USA team. This isn't like other sports where you need a God given ability like speed or strength, both of which I have anyway. I have played hours of shuffleboard casually over the years so I think with some training I could handle this. Also, since the USA sucks at this they might as well give me a shot to bring home a gold. If that doesn't work for them, why don't they recruit some drunks from Jake's that are nasty at shuffleboard instead of the nerds I saw playing the other day.
Next on the list is women's hockey. You probably think I'm about to say how boring it is to watch women's sports blah, blah, blah. Wrong. Here's the thing, women are not allowed to body check...in hockey. Isn't that insulting to them? These are the best women IN THE WORLD at this CONTACT sport and they aren't allowed to body check? It's the same rules that 12 year old boys have to play by. This is not a knock on women hockey players either, it's a knock on whoever makes the rules. I enjoyed watching them play, it's like soccer, they can do everything just as well as the men they're just not as big and fast, but it's still entertaining. Just let them hit each other, I'm pretty sure they would be ok with that. Also, fire that woman announcer that ruins Doc Emrick's awesome skills.
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