If you didn't know, 20% of your monthly electric bill comes from stuff that is plugged in, but is not in use. My sister keeps a lot of stuff unplugged that she isn't using, it's great for her bills, but confusing for people heating up a slice of pizza on their lunch break from painting the house. So I've heard, anyway. Here's an alternative to plugging and unplugging all the time. The iGo Power Smart Tower has 8 outlets, 4 of which power down devices not using power. This saves 85% of the energy usually spent while on standby. Pick one or the other, if you don't know, now you know.
we had money to pay you to paint because we save money on electricity by unplugging things not in use all the time...like the microwave. :-)
hahaha...beware when you come home. Double check to see if the appliance/whatever is plugged into the outlet.
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