Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Comcast>TD Bank? 5:55 PM
If you've never gone to Comcast to trade in a broken modem or cable box then you won't really know what I'm talking about, but I'll try to help you understand. I was waiting to deposit my Christmas money yesterday and started thinking about how easy it would be to jump over the counter and grab whatever I wanted. This shit doesn't fly at Comcast. They have like 4 inches of bullet-proof glass between you and the lady behind the counter. Also, when you trade in whatever malfunctioning piece of equipment you have, you have to put it through a box that they open from the other side when your side shuts. Really? Because of all this, you have to talk to them through the weird microphone things like at the movies that you can't understand (speaking of which, why are they under so much protection?). It just seems over the top to have a bank have wide open access to reach across the counter to an area holding tens-of-thousands-of-dollars, but yet Comcast protects their employees like they're selling Kryptonite.
My Girlfriend, Jackie Greco 4:12 PM
Over the past few months I have noticed some qualities about my girlfriend that have made me think about who she really is. I've come to realize that if she was a man, she would definitely be one of those guido meatheads that I don't really care for. I've since forgotten most of my evidence, but a few pieces remain:
1.) She loves lathering herself at the beach to get a golden brown exterior
2.) She instinctively flexes her biceps if I grab it to get her attention
3.) She was drawn to a cut off crew-neck sweatshirt at the mall the other day (like the kind guys would wear to Muscle Beach with a big belt/back support)
4.) I often catch her checking out her bod in a mirror or very clean window
5.) She shaves her forearms
To go along with this, she and I have collectively noticed characteristics that she possess which are very similar to one George Costanza, they are as follows:
1.) She loves to tell you how good she is at parallel parking
2.) She doesn't like to front money for things (but who does?)
3.) She definitely would have eaten that eclair out of the trash can
4.) She does not have a job but says she wants to go on vacation/has one planned for May
5.) She claims to not wear a shirt while going to the bathroom (not yet proven)
I suppose all these things combine to make up the perfect girl for me, a juiced up version of George Louis Costanza.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Comments 1:10 AM
I've had several complaints about not being able to comment on here. My tech crew has solved the problem so stop your bitching. Also, sorry for the lack of recent posts, apparently med school applications take longer than expected. Don't worry, I have good stuff on the way.
Kwak Beer 1:00 AM

So after I posted the info on the Sam Adams Utopias beer I got a message on the Face from one of my international connects in Spain about a sweet beer I should check out. Kwak, is a Belgian beer made by the people at Bosteels Brewery. Why such a weird glass you ask? According to their website, it was made so that it could be hung a mail coach while delivering mail. Soon after a breathalyzer was invented and the first DUI was given. Thanks for the heads up Ali G.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
LeDeux 2010 Sweet 8:52 AM

LeDeux has dropped their 2010 line on us and if I had stacks to blow, I would do so here. The line is entitled "Sweet" for obvious reasons, featuring pen sketches of historical and current ballers like Jackie Robinson and Manny Pacquiao. My favorite part? Probably the quote on the back of the Pac-Man shirt, "Your arms too short to box with God". Oh, also, this stuff is printed on organic cotton with lead and pvc free ink.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Sam Adams Utopias 9:04 AM

I used to think myself something of a beer connoisseur, but not after seeing the Sam Adams Utopias. This stuff is meant to be sipped at room temp, and lucky for us 2009's batch is the strongest yet. Weighing in at 27% abv., this stuff will knock you on your backside pretty quickly. Not only is this stuff strong (as in strongest in the world), it is pretty rare too, only 53 barrels are made every year. This stuff would not be appropriate for "pouring one out", among other things.
at home
Friday, December 11, 2009
Lyle Vacation Update 9:10 AM
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Merry Christmas 12:34 AM
So Lyle has vacation days to use up before the end of the year, you know what that means. Now that he doesn't need to wake up early he can booze with reckless abandon. Tonight was his first night of vacation, the following transpired:
Walking back from quizzo, I asked, "Do you have your keys?" Lyle answered, "Do you know how much I hate carrying things I don't need in my pockets?"
After driving him to Wawa for his post bar snack (don't worry mom I only had 2 beers in 3 hours) he continually referred to his Lunchable Pizza as if it were a real pizza by asking if he should "make me a slice" or saying he couldn't wait to "cook it" when we got home.
He claimed I didn't park close enough to the curb when we got back, the picture is evidence of how close I was.

Walking from the car to the house I said, "Would you make out with *******?" He replied, "I already have....apparently."
That's all for now kids.
Monday, December 7, 2009
College Dropout 7:48 PM

To prove all old people wrong who claim hip-hop isn't good music, Kanye's "College Dropout" was named EW's best album of the 2000's. I forgot how good this album is, you can literally listen to it from beginning to end. Coming in a close 2nd is Hov's "Blueprint", further proving that the ROC boys have been in the building all decade long. Scope the rest of the top 10.
Friday, December 4, 2009
SportsNation 4:34 PM
Today, I watched SportsNation on ESPN for the first time. The show is pretty cool and the chick on it, Michelle Beadle, seems real cool. She's like the girl that lived on your floor freshman year that would randomly know stuff about sports and would bust on guys better than you could. Not that I know what the latter feels like, but I still know that those kinds of people are cool. Last, but not least, they played several Jay-Z songs on the show, they probably looked on Yahoo! read my blog and saw it was Jay's birthday.
Happy Birthday Hov! 4:23 PM
Big Homie turns 40 today. Coincidently beer comes in 40 oz containers, you know what to do, pour one out.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
iPhone Gloves 12:36 PM

Hate how when you have on gloves or mittens you can't control the screen on your touch screen phone? Me too, but fear not, there's a solution for this dilemma. Several companies make gloves with finger tips that are sensitive to the iPhone or other inferior touch screen devices. Two of best looking ones I've seen are the North Face E-Tip Gloves and the Dots D110 Gloves. Now you no longer have to look like an idiot and wear gloves with the tip of the pointer finger ripped off or make the crucial decision of frost bite or text.
Patron 4 Bottle Gift Set 12:28 PM

Looking for the perfect gift for your boozehound buddy, in my case Lyle. Look no further than the Patron 4 Bottle Gift Set packed with four 375 mL bottles. Because of this boxed set of various tequilas you don't have to decide which way your friends would like to get lit.
at home
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
NIke Air Max 90 Pigeon iD 11:35 AM

Ok, so short story long, Jeff Staple is a designer who has collaboed with Nike (and NB and Converse) in the past to make a line of limiteds dubbed, "Pigeons". He puts a pigeon logo on the shoes and uses colorways that mimic that of a pigeon, i.e. grays in the upper with orangeish soles. These limiteds are coveted by all sneakerheads, especially people from NYC as the pigeon is the unofficial bird of the streets of the concrete jungle. Recently, a pair of 90s were shown online that someone created on NikeiD with the Pigeon colorway. Although they don't have the ever-so-important Pigeon logo, they still are ridiculous and dare I say rival the Infrareds.
Cudderisback 11:25 AM
So, apparently Scott Mescudi (Kid Cudi) is back. No word yet on where he was since his first album only dropped like a month ago. Either way, his return is marked with his newest track, "Cudderisback". Yeah, that's Vampire Weekend's instrumental if you were wondering, but probably weren't. Beats.
Forever- Travis Barker Remix 11:17 AM
We've all heard Trav's take on Low and Crank Dat, now he's back on Drake's newest joint, "Forever". You gotta love how he puts his own spin on it without really changing the song. I can really appreciate the talent behind doing this as a fellow rock band drummer. Peep it on Youtube. Also, how sick is Ye's verse on this?
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Lupe Fiasco Mixtape 1:39 PM
The Fresh Cool Young Lu has been pretty quiet since his sophmore drop, "The Cool". Although pieces of his new album, "Lasers", have been floating around, there hasn't been anything substantial from him for a while. To hold us over until the 2010 release, Lup has put out a mixtape entitled "Enemy Of The State: A Love Story". This project was done cassette style so it's actually one long 22 minute track that is actually multiple tracks inside. If this isn't your bag then listen to "Shining Down", the first single from "Lasers", it features Matthew Santos (the guy from Superstar).