So, I really hate how people use Facebook to tell every detail of their lives, and even worse, I hate when people feel the need to dislike/like/comment on what those people are pointlessly doing. Naturally, I like when it goes horribly wrong for people. My buddy sent me some of these so I'll throw them up throughout the week. Check the first one.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
A Love Letter For You Murals 12:24 PM

Next time you're in the Philly area check out Steve Powers', aka ESPO, work on the sides of several buildings. He's teamed up with City of Philadelphia Mural Arts Program to jazz up the walls along the Market-Frankford Elevated Line. If you're not around here, just click the link and enjoy. ESPO.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Daily Brew Air Max 90 Countdown 11:30 AM
So, since I posted a link to Mayor's top 50 AF1s earlier today I decided to make my own list of fresh kicks. I'm not a huge fan of the Air Force 1s so I figured I would make a tribute to my favorite sneaker line, the Air Max 90.
7- Olympic
6- Metallic Gold Foil
5- Art Force One X Titolo
4- Premium Elmer's Glue
3- Day Of The Dead
2- Premium USA
1- Infrared Ostrich
Bonus: For the ladies, Andy Warhol/Marilyn Monroe
Hope For Haiti Concert 11:25 AM
If you didn't hear, there's going to be a concert to raise money for the Haiti victims. Pretty much every big time network is carrying coverage on the 22nd at 8 P.M. Clooney organized this event and performers include Hov, Rihanna, Coldplay, and "country star" T. Swift. Tune in world.
Mayor's Top 50 AF1's 11:01 AM

Sneakerhead and Air Force 1 enthusiast, Mayor, has teamed up with Complex magazine to drop a top 50 list to end all AF1 lists. Mayor knows his kicks so this list is legit, he's even done the Bespoke thing with DJ Clark Kent. I also like this list because it doesn't just have Quickstrike releases, he includes shoes that were released to us less worthy sneakerheads. Enough talk, check the list. AF1 Top 50.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
World's Greatest Dad 12:17 PM
When I become a father, I plan to mix myself with several fathers I have witnessed to become the perfect dad. My own dad is not on this list because I am already partially him so when I mix myself with these people he is already in there, so no one freak out. To achieve perfection, I will need to be 50% Rev Run, 25% Tim Taylor, 10% Frank Costanza, 10% Liam Neeson in Love Actually, and 5% Philip Banks. Adding these personas to my inherent swag should make me a shoe in for a World's Greatest Dad mug/ill fitting t-shirt. Yessir!
New Jams 12:16 PM
Lots of new music to post, no reason for multiples so they're all listed below.
DJ Earworm- United State Of Pop 2009 (sorry, no link, just youstube it)
Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Mustard Pimp Remix (just because the dude's name is Mustard Pimp)
Cardboard Taxidermy 12:06 PM

Cardboard Safari is the maker of these recycled trophies that come in the form of deer, rhino, bison, or moose. Scoring one of these will save you from people bitching about how it's bad to hunt or idiots asking, "How fast was that running to get stuck in the wall like that?".
at home
Sausage Football 11:46 AM

With the Super Bowl coming quickly, you'll need the perfect football-shaped sausage to present to all the Colts and Saints fans you have there. The Sausage Football from Norm Thompson should do the trick for yous. Since it's probably your cheat day, why not pair it with some Bacon Bourbon Caramel Corn?
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Become Mars 1:42 PM

M.I.A. 1:38 PM
M.I.A. is back, unlike Cudi she was actually retired and gone before coming back, and her new album is rumored to drop this summer. Until then feast your eyes and ears on her first single, There's Space For Ol Dat I See. Yesh, it's weird but what did you expect?
Hurt Locker 1:27 PM

I'm no movie critic, but I think I have a keen eye for what's what when it comes to TV and movies. I just got done watching the Hurt Locker and it was amazing. The whole premise is that they chronicle what it's like to be a bomb technician in the Army. From what I've read it's a pretty accurate depiction, and even if it wasn't they do an awfully good job at making it feel real and not like a movie. They don't do the stupid shit like follow bullets through the air until it hits someone like in Three Kings or something. Either way, this movie makes you appreciate your own life and also what people in the military do for us everyday. Thanks guys.
White Watches 1:01 PM

If you're looking for a casual white watch but don't want a G-Shock a la yours truly, check out the Casio Databank. This thing is equipped with more capabilities than the Nokia brick you rocked in '99. It's has a calendar, currency converter, little black book, and the ability to hold 25 pages of data. The face is a little bigger than a G-Shock so yeah, it's your big boy. Nooka makes more modern looking versions of something like this, see for yourself.
Wintercheck Factory 12:56 PM

The Julian Scarf by Wintercheck Factory is kind of like something my mom or sister got for Christmas. I forget which, but one of them got a scarf with pockets in it. Whoever is was, was very excited that there were pockets for their stuff, thus this scarf is perfect for them. The Julian has two zipper pockets to keep all your goods safe while keeping your neck warm. Now I have the perfect gift idea for next year, now I just need to figure out who it should be for.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Tablet Update 1:57 PM
Another tablet has dropped in 2010:

Friday, January 8, 2010
DJ Steve Porter 2:08 PM

This dude, Steve Porter, makes remixes and songs out of people speaking and most of them are pretty good. My favorites are Press Hop and Community. Even though I don't like the show, Community, anything with Ken Jeong is effing funny. Enjoy.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
iPhone Cases 12:18 PM
I'm not a huge fan of most iPhone cases, but if you insist on having one these are ok by me.
Jay-Z- Young Forever 12:01 PM

Another new Hov video, thankfully he went in a different direction than the other one I just posted.
Cool Computers 11:20 AM
With the possibility of Apple dropping a touch screen tablet at anytime, companies are rushing to get their inferior versions on the market. If you're not waiting around for the possibly mythical Apple tablet, check out these.
JooJoo Tablet

Smaller tablet version are cool too:
Nokia N810 Internet Tablet
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Tarantino Mixtape 1:51 PM
Eclectic Technique has mixed up a little mashup of all of Quentin Tarantino's movies over the years along with some nice beats. Pretty much a cant miss as far as I'm concerned. Youstube.
Do Hit Chair 1:45 PM

I would love to see you find a chair that is more fun to make than this one. The people at Marijn van der Poll have created a chair that arrives as a big metal cube that you shape into whatever you want using the included smashing device. This is definitely ghetto chic, where the hood and high end furniture meet. Also, no word on the comfort level of the jagged, metal chair.
P.S. check out other stuff on the website linked above, freshness approved.
at home
13th Witness Calendar 12:34 PM
13th Witness does some legit work in the world of photography. Recently, they dropped their 2010 calendar, which looks especially dope. Nothing else to say on this one, check it after the jump.
MiniKicks 12:30 PM

Want a pair of the Pigeon SB Dunks but don't want to trade your Kia for them? No biggie, scoop a pair of these mini vinyl ones to sooth your broken heart. They may be 1/6 the size of the ones you wanted, but they provide 5/6 the amount of joy so you'll come out even. What?
TIK Alfred Watch 12:19 PM

A few weeks back, my man Gibb asked me what type of wrist wear I was rocking because he was looking for a nice casual timepiece. He wasn't into my dinnerplate-sized Nixon so now that I have a few hours of free time I figured I'd post this one for him. TIK has a few watches that aren't too pricy but are still pretty fly. Some of their designs are not available yet, but keep your eyes peeled for new colors.
Marcus Troy X Nike Bespoke Air Force One 11:50 AM

Marcus Troy is a dude that writes a killer blog about pretty much everything, and was recently given what he called, "the opportunity of a life time". Marcus was able to go to Nike's Bespoke headquarters to make his own pair of Air Force 1's. To the uninformed, Bespoke is like on steroids and is by appointment only. Anywho, the dude made a sick pair of 1's that is valued at about 800 bones. They're 1 of 1 so you can't get your hands on these, but at least check them out and give the man some props for this creation. Also, his blog is on point so check that out too.
Wally Hermes Yachts 11:24 AM

Wally Hermes Yachts have just dropped a new design, which is completely and ridiculously over the top. This 190' floating island has a 656 sq. foot master suite with an 82 foot terrace and 5 guest suites. If you get bored while floating around the Atlantic you can always hang out in the screening room, dining room, music room, or the 82 foot pool next to the helipad. With that said, all you eco freaks are probably stewing, but this thing also has 2,952 sq. feet of solar panels to power this small country.
ESPN 3D 11:07 AM
You probably heard already, but ESPN is launching a new channel called ESPN 3D. Obviously, they are going to show games in 3D starting with the World Cup in June. To see the games you will need a set of those fashionable 3D glasses and a 3D capable TV, which none of us have yet.
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